StabiliZR gauges are dry Winters gauges that come with a StabiliZR dampened movement that eliminates pointer flutter caused by vibration and pulsation. This makes pressure reading much easier. No more worries of fill fluid leaking and compatibility issues with the process media. Gauges can easily be serviced without the hassle of draining and then refilling the case with fill fluid.
StabiliZR Movement is available as an option on the following Winters gauges:
What customers are saying about the StabiliZR vibration dampening gauges:
“It is one of the best product ideas I have seen .... all liquid filled gauges leak eventually. This is truly something new and better” - Montgomery, Alabama, USA
“It quite simply is a better mousetrap, truly innovative. Solved age old problem of leaking gauges.” - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Lightweight gauges are a very clear advantage” - Amman, Jordan
Testing Standards
250,000 cycle testing was performed on StabiliZR and glycerin filled gauges side-by-side. The performance of the StabiliZR gauges was comparable to that of glycerin filled gauges.
There may be times when you’re using a PPC process gauge but you can’t have it liquid filled for whatever the reason is. Maybe the customer doesn’t like liquid filled gauges, he’s had issues with them in the past, or sometimes it’s a process that, if the fill fluid was to leak and get into the process, you could have a reaction even an explosion. So what can we offer at that point? What we can do is, if you’re still dealing with pulsation and vibration, we can use what’s called the StabiliZR gauge. The StabiliZR is the name of a very stable special movement, it’s a dampened movement. It will give you the same effect as if you liquid filled a process gauge, it will stabilize that pointer out even when you’re dealing with pulsation and vibration. The only way you would know the difference between these two gauges is the word StabiliZR would be on the dial. That’s how you would know you were getting engaged with a StabiliZR movement.
The question is, what is a StabiliZR movement and how does it work? The best way to show you is to show you the movement itself. If you looked at this, you might think it’s just a standard movement, it is a rack and pinion movement, you see the gears as it’s moved here, this would normally be hooked up to the end of your board on tube, so as the board on tube displaces, it moves the gears, and when the gears move, you see the pointer turn. On a regular gauge, if you were getting vibration and pulsation, this would be jiggling around and you would have a little bit of slop in the gearing and as a result, what would happen is your pointer would be jumping around.
What we’ve done is, with the potted movement, you’ll notice that the pointer shaft actually is extended out the back of the movement. You’ll see this pot. What’s inside this pot is we put a little wheel on the end of the shaft, and then there’s a bung on the end of this movement and they fill the cap, if you will, with a silicone dampening agent. That is pressed on over the bung, and now what it has done is it has bathed that wheel in this dampening agent. As a result, it creates enough drag on the back of the pointer shaft so you don’t get that pulsation and vibration. In essence, this gauge, even though it’s a dry gauge with a dampened movement in it, will perform the same as if you had liquid filled this process gauge. The cost between the two is the same. Whether you fill this gauge or whether you get the StabiliZR movement, we are able to provide it at the same price point.
The dampened movement, or StabiliZR movement as Winters has branded it, is also available not only in the PPC gauge, but it’s available in the PFQ gauge, which is 2 ½ or 4 inch, it’s available in the PFP gauge, 2 ½ and 4 inch, as well as our NACE gauge, or PN2. This gives a wide variety of options where you can stock these gauges on the shelf, they don’t have to be liquid filled, but yet they can be used in processes that have a lot of pulsation and vibration.
In the PEM, which is an economy gauge or dry gauge, we do not have StabiliZRs, but we do have a line of gauges called the P9S. If you look at our website, what you’ll find is the P9S is a step up from the PEM, it’s a little bit more accurate, but the real advantage, it also comes with the potted movement so it is dampened. So even though it would be considered an economy gauge, it still can be used in applications that have vibration and pulsation.
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Not sure how I am supposed to leave a review on an order I still haven't received and it's been over 10 business days, still no shipping update. No luck getting answers from anyone regarding it, I guess that's your review.
Thought I was purchasing complete dresser elbow, but it was only nuts for elbow. Returned with a 25% restocking fee and $9.00 to ship back. It was a lost cause